I got a text message at at 11:13pm on Monday night saying “We’re headed to the hospital.” I managed to get myself there by 11:30pm, and the wait began. We spent a good hour wondering if we would be sticking around, or if they were going to be sending Shannon home. Her contractions were close together, about 4 minutes apart, but she was only dialated 1cm. Shannon was convinced that tonight wasn’t the night, and she was going home.
Well, turns out she was wrong! Around 1am, Shannon left triage and was admitted. Baby Riley was coming!! While being transferred from Triage, her water broke naturally, without having to be induced. By 2am we were all settled in and cozy, and just waiting. Riley Mae decided to keep us waiting quite a while too! Riley finally after much work, worry, and exhaustion, graced us with her presence at 2:13pm on June 23rd, weighing in at 7lbs 4oz, and 20 inches long. Congrats to Shannon and Brayden!!! Can’t wait to spoil this little girl rotten, and be the best Aunt ever!
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